Tuesday 21 September 2010

5.1 Campaign :) Mary Queen of charity shops.

we have just watched a few video clips of Mary Queen of Charity Shops' to start of our campaign of helping the local charity shops in our area.
- It was rather shocking to see they only sell 1/4 of the things that come into the charity shop which people have brought in for them to sell, but they obviously need to take more care and thought in what people are actually going to buy. Instead of putting on they're old tack that nobody really wants!
On top of this all the junk people bring into the charity shop they have to pay to put people wasteful items they don't care about and people don't want to put into a massive bin and they need to pay to hire them twice a week, which means paying £45.00 of there on money to put people's in useful waste.
Our campaign is to improve charity shops in our local area by trying several different things such as : creating leaflets, posters, a TV advert, also a radio broadcast.
Our aim is to get people of our (13-20yrs) to get donating their old clothes to charity shops more business.
To find out about Mary Portas check her out on several different websites :P

Saturday 18 September 2010


Homework -  ♥

 This is my summary of Campaign, Artefact and Performance.
. During campaigning we will investigate how to create a good campaign, and see how much is involved in making a campaign, by doing this we will all get involved by producing posters and advertisments e.c.t.
. Meanwhile studying the performance module we will see how they have developed over time, due to the audiences.
. Lastly in the Artefact department we will understand and discover, how and why they are made for a particular reason. Also we will be creating some of our very own Artefacts.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Hello this is Lauren Felice's Blog :) x

         Im Lauren and I chose to do the Creative and Media Diploma, as i was interested in several things which were included in the diploma :D x