Wednesday, 20 October 2010

5.2 The leaflet design of our choosen charity E.A.C.H.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010, this below is the leaflet to show the campaign about E.A.C.H. which is a charity, Nina Vicky, Jasmine,Kadiee and myself (Lauren) are working with.

Here below is Vicky,Kadiee,Nina,Jasmine, and my logo. Which I and Jasmine had made during one of our campaign/blogging lessons.


This logo is good as we have choosen to use quite calm colours. To our group we thought this logo looked quite child friendly.

1 comment:

  1. Your leaflet helps to persuade your target audience the importance of donating and supporting this particular charity. You recognise and use the style and format appropriate for a leaflet by using emotive and persuasive language, evocative pictures and photographs(these help to give a visual representation of the campaign).
    Do you mention where you will distribute these leaflets?

    Your logo...what are the reasons behind its colour/design etc?
